At the beginning of this Millennium, on a beautiful afternoon in the Summer of 2001, a new dad (me) was reading an R/C airplane models magazine when stumbled into a new trend (back then) in R/C, the Electric Flight.
Model airplanes were no stranger artifacts to him, his first airplane models where rubber-powered balsa and tissue planes from Guillow's. He started making those while still in his young childhood years; his dad (now Grandpa) guided him through with the patience and esoteric skills needed to work with small nitro engines. After a few control-line planes, 2-channel cox 0.49 R/C planes and several other things that would put wings into the day-dreams of flying, this hobby was put away for a few years in the early adulthood years to do other 'grown-up' stuff.
While discovering fatherhood, this dad realized that a great way to realize these childhood day-dreams will be now with their children.
Since the time when reading that magazine at the start of this Millenium, a passion for the R/C Electric hobby has flourished, all the way from the struggling days of e-flight (NiCad batteries, brushed motors with fragile and underpowered gearboxes and almost non-existent e-flight models, mostly converted from "light" .15 to .20 nitro planes) to our days of flight stabilization, telemetry, powerful LiPos and sophisticated computer radios... the hobby of R/C electric planes is a very different one now! Particularly exciting are those micro-models that make electric flight extremely convenient, safe and inexpensive.
We hope you join us in this adventure to rediscover an amazing hobby and to see how those seemly impossible childhood day-dreams could become true!
- Sergio